St Mary Magdalene, Great Hampden
Sunday 11.15am

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Worship in Church and Online

Worship in Church

We meet every Sunday at 11.15am.

We have four different types of service:

  • Parish Communion (Common Worship)
  • Traditional Morning Prayer (BCP)
  • Contemporary Morning Prayer (Common Worship)
  • Family Service

gh_agw3This pattern is flexible—so that Family Services are held on special Sundays when this is appropriate, such as Mothering Sunday and Harvest Festival.

Morning Prayer usually follows the traditional BCP format, but sometimes we use specially drafted service sheets on special occasions and for baptisms.

The Family Service is a special opportunity for the younger members of our community to make their contribution to our worship, though all members of our worshipping community are welcome every week.

As a traditional Anglican parish church, our worship on a Sunday morning is there for the whole parish, the whole community. We want to leave church with a sense of having worshipped God in a meaningful and satisfying way that will sustain and nurture us through out the week.

Worship Online

Our online worship is streamed directly to the viewer below. If this doesn't work for you just go directly to our Facebook Live Video page.

We stream services from our sister church, Holy Trinity Prestwood. If we're streaming it will appear automatically.